May 27, 2005

New Scientist 11 steps to a better brain - Features

New Scientist 11 steps to a better brain - Features: "There are lots of tricks, techniques and habits, as well as changes to your lifestyle, diet and behaviour that can help you flex your grey matter and get the best out of your brain cells. And here are 11 of them"

May 24, 2005

Science & Technology at Scientific Bring Back the OTA

Science & Technology at Scientific Bring Back the OTA: "More than ever, those elected to govern are in need of timely, high-quality, impartial advice on matters of science and technology. Yet for nearly a decade now, one of the most successful agencies for providing just such advice--the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA)--has been defunct."

Some AJAX links

May 12, 2005

Napkin Look & Feel

This is a great swing look and feel! Napkin Look & Feel

May 11, 2005

[print version] Johnny can so program | CNET

[print version] Johnny can so program | CNET No, Johnny's ability to program hasn't slipped. What has slipped, though, is his respect for our cherished major American institutions--industry, academia, Congress and, most sadly, the press.

CVS to Perforce Transition Guide


May 10, 2005

Dual Photography

This is really cool. Really. Dual Photography